3 Home Improvements That Save Money and the Environment

The home improvement market is booming. From additions and major renovations to minor upgrades and fixes, people are working diligently to turn their homes into comfortable oases from the world. If you are considering a home improvement project, these ideas can help you save money and the environment at the same time. 

1. Increase Attic Insulation

Adding insulation to the attic can drastically cut heating and cooling costs in a house. That’s important for lowering both your bills and carbon footprint since it is the single largest source of energy use in the majority of U.S. homes. Installing new insulation Ann Arbor MI is a big project, and many homeowners will benefit from calling in a professional. There are several DIY projects that can also lower home heating and cooling costs. Installing weatherstripping around doors and calling around windows are two excellent examples that many homeowners can tackle on their own. Plus, since they have such low upfront investment, you’ll see the benefits relatively quickly.   

2. Update Lighting Fixtures

Lighting can also contribute to energy use. After all, those dark days of winter need something to brighten them up. Traditional incandescent bulbs produce more than light; they also give off a substantial amount of heat. Upgrading to energy-efficient and cool LEDs can help cut power use. There are other things you can do to green up your home’s lighting, such as:

  • Add smart outlets to control lights remotely
  • Use dimmers and motion detector switches
  • Switch to lower wattage bulbs in existing fixtures

3. Rethink Landscaping

It’s easy to focus your home improvement efforts on the actual house, but landscaping can play a large role in your overall energy consumption and is definitely worthy of some attention. For example, strategically planted shade trees can significantly lower the demand for air conditioning in hot summer months by providing a natural cooling effect. Gardens with native plants require less care, which means you will use fewer resources, such as water, fertilizers and pest controls, to keep them looking great. 

Whether you are looking for a simple DIY project or entertaining a major renovation project, features like proper insulation and native landscaping can help you make it more budget- and eco-friendly. 

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