3 Bathroom Maintenance Tips

Bathrooms can be prone to mildew, mold or rot because they become damp during and after baths and showers. If they are not aired out properly, the moisture can cause damage that needs to be repaired. To prevent any issues, the bathroom should be checked for signs of problems and cleaned regularly.
1. Look for Signs of Damage
Take the time to look everywhere in the bathroom for signs of problems. The area underneath the sink should be checked for leaks, odors or visual signs of damage. Examine shower doors to find dents, scratches, rust or mold. Look behind the toilet for things like loose tiles or rotten grout. Grout, caulk and loose tiles can usually be replaced easily by the homeowner. If the shower doors are badly damaged, it may be a good idea to look into door refinishing Richardson.
2. Remove Moisture
It is important to air out the room after a bath or shower to dispel moisture quickly. Although tiles, tubs, sinks and toilets are waterproof, mold and mildew can still accumulate on caulk and grout over time. Use a shower squeegee on the tile for faster, better results.
3. Clean Regularly
It can be easy to miss early warning signs that something is going wrong. Cleaning the room once a week and going over every area will not only keep the bathroom looking and smelling good, it also gives the homeowner the opportunity to spot any issues before they become serious. Try to avoid using harsh chemicals or products that were not designed for use in a bathroom, as that may shorten the lifespan of caulk and grout, or discolor or damage tubs, sinks, toilets or tile.
While cleaning and repairing tasks may not be glamorous, they are necessary. Scheduling some time every week to clean and maintain the bathroom can result in time and money saved on future repairs.